Friday, June 6, 2008


Stressed right out.

Only shoes - at least I have shoes. Unlike some people.

My house for a few days. Near the Lambs. No silence.

This isn't what you find in Canada. This resturant, from whay I could tell, grew all their own food! Including making wine and grappa. It was the best. So great.

Dive boss Neels and his Lady.

Sorry guys, but I'm probably going to eat you. Hmm, one guy went vegetatian after this. But I can't resist grilled organic lamb chops and lemon. mmmmmmm. Sorry guys.

Under water.

Bury the needle. 60+ kph.

Lone swimmer.

The best Greek Salad I have ever eaten. Ever. Period.

Frappes. Thanks to the somewhat guarded Team Macedonia I now know how to make one. Thanks!

The best resturant ever. No menu. No sign. The best pork and lamb and cheese and salads in Greece.

Team Macedonia.

Team Italy

House of Neels - I stayed there one night. Thanks Neels. And thanks for the PADI certification.

Don't hold your breath.

Team France. Getting serious about efficiency and energy conservation.

Mr Personailty.

Shane working hard.

Cave diving.

Loutra. What a nice village.

Cat life in Kythnos.

Anja from Team Germany

Everybody say MicroGrids.

100kWp of PV installed in 1983. 1 9 8 3 ! ! !

1 comment:

mirtone said...

your thumbs-up pose indicates you made it OK, or does it mean you still need to ascend to the hill-side bar?

long time since your Sardinian baptism by "kick off the boat and figure it out" - nice going.